Monday, October 1, 2007

Studio Final: Concept Statement

During the initial site visit one of the observations I made was that Dartmouth Street was wider than Boylston Street, Clarendon Street and St. James Avenue, which are the four streets bounding Copley square. Boston Public Library creates a strong edge across Dartmouth along the west side of the square. Even more evident is the view from the south looking up Dartmouth Street from South End. From this view I observed Dartmouth as being a corridor and decided this was an opportunity to for the New Old South Church and our building site to create a Gateway into Boston’s Back Bay area.
Since its inception the Back Bay area has been physically and socially separated from Boston’s South End. With the natural development of Copley Square as the meeting of these two neighborhoods, and Dartmouth Street being a major north south artery between the two, it is appropriate that this intersection at Dartmouth and Boylston leading into the Back Bay act as a “Physical Gateway”.

"Physical Gateway"
To Back Bay

The Digital Industry has metaphorically acted as our society’s Gateway into the Future. And this ‘digital client’ has been the leader in opening our society up to the possibilities for the future. This Digital Gateway will be interactive with events or activities happening in the store.

"Digital Gateway"
Into to the Future

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