Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Site Analysis

I have included this site analysis of the viewsheds directed towards the building.

This view shows the site looking north up Dartmouth.

The vehicular traffic flowing from the South End is visually directed towards the building. And Copley Square serves as a transition space between the South End and the Back Bay area to the northwest. The building will play off of the Old South Church to form a gateway to the Back Bay area.


annie j kemp said...


Your first image is a great one to use to explain your concept. I think it is especially useful. The other two seem to show the same thing. I would be interested to see if you analyzed the traffic coming from the other direction. It seems to be more of a major artery for the city. Will you have floor plans soon?

Angelo Logan said...

Thanks, Annie. By "traffic coming from the other direction" I assume you mean along Boylston. I've studied some of my photos of this trafficway and this is a major artery to to CBD. There are no major viewsheds of our site along Boylston until you're right at the intersection. Along Dartmouth there is a visual alley created by the positioning of the Boston Public Library opposite Copley Square, and as one comes up Dartmouth past the Copley Square Hotel everything visually opens up. This is what I wanted to emphasis. You are correct that I should include the study along Boylston in my diagrams.

Scott Pfeifer said...

I like the combination of the analysis in your model. I agree with Annie that the first image seems to communicate the idea. I had the same problem when I put my analysis in the model.
Boylston street while a major artery is much thinner than Dartmouth and you are correct that vehicular views to the site are limited. It seemed that Boylston had more pedestrian traffic than Dartmouth. That could just be my observation but you will probably agree that the site is much more visible from Boylston as a pedestrian (and at a more intimate scale). Lets see those floor plans!